If you want to make sure that your hookup is a success, there are some things that you should keep in mind. For starters, it is important to be aware of power dynamics.

Also, it is important to be clear about your intentions. This will help avoid any future awkwardness.

1. Look your best.

A good hookup starts with a great appearance. Ensure your hair is clean and styled, and don’t forget to brush your teeth. This small gesture makes you look and smell your best, which is sure to increase the intensity of any physical encounters you have that evening.

You may also want to carry mints or gum with you. Nothing kills a sexy moment faster than bad breath. Plus, every kiss is ten times more sexy with minty fresh breath!

In a long-term relationship, you develop a sixth sense about your partner’s body language and feedback. However, during casual sex, it’s important to check in verbally and pay attention to body language.

If your partner’s eyes are glassy and he has a dull face, these are signs that he might be hoping this hookup will lead to something more than just hot sex. Be honest and don’t push if it’s not going to happen. This will make the experience better for both of you in the long run. Similarly, if you don’t like cuddling or breakfast the morning after, let your hookup know.

Tips For a Successful Hookup

2. Don’t be afraid to be intimate.

We’re constantly hearing about how hookup culture is a sexual epidemic, a problem that destroys relationships and mental health. But what if it doesn’t have to be that way?

If you’re trying to get a guy to go all the way, it’s important that you’re not afraid of being intimate. Running your hands through his hair or gently putting an arm around him can make you seem more desirable and turn up the heat.

You also want to make sure that you’re comfortable enough with your partner to talk about anything that comes up. If you’re worried about what he’s going to say, that could create tension and cause him to lose interest.

Also, don’t be afraid to have a conversation about how often you want to hook up with him. If you want to go every weekend or every weekday, let him know that so that he doesn’t feel like his secret is being shared. And last but not least, be sure to have a backup plan for safer sex. Having things like condoms, dental dams, gloves and lube at the ready will help to prevent STIs and pregnancy.

3. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want.

In the past, some women may have been reluctant to say exactly what they wanted from a hookup because of the false rules society created about who can make the first move and whether or not it’s okay to want more than one. But, with the pandemic and other factors at play, we’re now seeing that being direct about what you’re looking for is a winning strategy in hookup culture.

In study after study, women report feeling a range of negative feelings in the immediate aftermath of a casual hookup. It’s not just that they didn’t get what they were hoping for in sex; they also felt used, as though they were treated like a pawn, even by good, kind men.

Tips For a Successful Hookup

That’s why it’s important for girls to be able to text or call their partners after the fact and let them know if there’s anything they want to change or explore. It’s also a great idea to skip any apps that hide photos or require expensive subscriptions for people who want long-term relationships and stick with those that show everyone’s pictures from the start.

4. Don’t be afraid to be honest.

While the pandemic has certainly ushered in a new era of caution and intention, that doesn’t mean people want to stop hooking up. Whether you’re looking for a quick roll in the hay or a more long-term intimate relationship, being honest about what you want is one of the most important tips for a successful hookup.

It can be tempting to “Snapchat” or otherwise share your sexy time with friends, but that’s a surefire way to make any future relationship awkward. It’s also a good idea to carry condoms around with you, even for casual sex. That way, you’re always prepared to protect yourself.

It’s also a good idea to talk to your partner about their sexual preferences before you get naked so that there are no surprises later on. Sexuality is a wide world, so it’s totally possible that you and your partner might not be into the same things. That’s okay, as long as everything is consensual. Avoid judging your partner for what turns them on; instead, encourage them to try new things and explore their own sexual kinks.

5. Don’t be afraid to be yourself.

Despite all the negative press that they get, hookups (or short term sexual/intimate encounters like one-night stands, summer flings, or semester-long friends with benefits) can be fun, enjoyable and satisfying. The key is to be smart about it. For instance, make sure you use protection physically and emotionally, as well as be clear about what you want.

For example, if you know that you aren’t going to be the guy’s romantic partner for long, make that clear. It’s also important to be respectful of the other person’s body and space. For example, don’t leave dirty clothes hanging around the house and don’t take up too much of his bed space.

And finally, don’t forget to kiss him goodbye! That’s a great way to end the night on a romantic note and it will help him remember you fondly. Plus, it’ll let him know that you were serious when you said you wanted to hook up again. He’ll definitely appreciate that!